Bermuda Straw

Popular feed for cattle in both domestic and export markets

Bermuda Grass, Cynodon Dactylon, is a perennial warm season grass grown on a large scale in the Imperial Valley. Bermuda is grown primarily for seed production used in commercial and residential turf applications. Bermuda Grass is very drought tolerant and when irrigated, produces high-quality straw. Due to the long growing season in the Imperial Valley, farmers can harvest straw multiple times. When irrigated with good farm management and growing practices, our farmers produce high quality straw for both domestic and international markets. 


Good value for least cost rations.
Good for Wagyu and other cattle that require low color straw.
A perennial that doesn't require annual tillage and replacement.
Good root system which limits water and fertilizer inputs. 
Very good root system helps to sequester carbon.
Minimal maintenance which limits tractor work, other inputs.
Very resilient and adaptable to different types of soil.
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